I realized yesterday that there was alot of photos that I'd been meaning to post and never got around to doing. So here we go. The second half of June, Matthew and I spent alot of time in KC with Phil. One night we got frozen custard and went to the park. The boys had a great time together.

Phil even ran up and down the playground equipment with him.

My boys and their icrecream mustaches.

Matthew even has a goatee!

1 1/2 years ago I talked about this
barn. But for the last 2 years I've been hoping they would leave it, but at the end of June I drove by to this. The photo I got of the barn is at the end of the linked post. Sometimes I really hate progress. Especially the way we are eating up farm and pasture land to continue building houses because the ones already built are too old, are in too bad of a neighborhood, don't cost enough, aren't big enough (a tiny 1,800 ft compared to the 4,000 we must absolutely have for 2 people) and on and on. Soon this country won't be able to feed it's self even if it wanted to. It also won't be able to export food.

With all the summer birthday fun, Matthew started building birthday cakes in the bath. Here he is blowing out the candles have singing Happy Birthday.

At the very end of June we were invited to a party for a cousin that was home for a visit with his wife and kids, before being stationed in Hawaii. Here is a picture of his brother and girlfriend with his son Sylas. Sylas is 1 year old and calm as can be.

We didn't know there would be a kiddie pool. Next thing we knew Matthew was in with his clothes on. Next he tried to swim naked. I forced him back in his undies and shorts.

He had a great time!

On the 4th of July Matthew convinced Poppa to take a "nap" with him.

And finally Matthew has really improved with his coloring skills. He spent a rainy afternoon turning out these beauties.
It all looks like fun. I'm glad Matthew likes to color and I'm sure before we know it he will be drawing pictures.
That ice cream mustache photo is my all time favorite one of Phil, I believe. How happy they both look! I agree about 'progress' which is not always good. All your photos were very enjoyable!
Angela, it was fun!
Mom, I love it too.
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