It's rained several times lately. But it hasn't bothered Matthew. He's found plenty to do. Is there something in the box that Matthew's final carseat came in?

Oh, it's a Matthew!

Later we tried an art activity that I saw on
Thanks for the Lemonade. It was a little advanced for Matthew and we changed it up a little.

But he still had fun. After that, we decided that since it was only lightly misting, it was time to break out the rubber boots. Since we got them, Matthew's been going around telling people "I'm ready for rain."

Can you tell that this is one excited little boy? He's really tackle the BIG puddle.

Getting used to the feel of walking in water.

Still getting used to it...

...and clean boots are history!

It's all about stomping as hard as you can and running as fast as you can through the puddles. Good thing his Mom packed a towel and clean clothes to change into!
Good thinkin' Mom!
Next time we have rain I'm going to see if I can get my big kids to play in the puddles again! (although I hope we don't get rain for a while yet);-)
I love those rainy day photos! Did you notice the cool reflections in the puddles of the truck and the boy? Sorry I missed the puddles this time.
Yes, I can tell he is one excited little boy--his elbows are stiff.
Looks like fun to me.
Cathryn, I loved puddles as kid! I'm glad that Matthew gets to play in them too!
Mom, maybe next time uh? Love you!
Auntie, It was fun! I even walked in them in my boots.
I forgot about my new boots! I could have tried mine out too!
I love puddles but I may need to get a pair of boots before I try to walk in them with Matthew otherwise I may be in "trouble" (I like to get the mud between my toes)
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