We had a Pampered Chef party at our house last month and Matthew got into the swing of things by helping me clean without being asked.

In late July we went to what I call the Antique Airshow, which isn't the real name. Matthew found the cutouts.

My small soldier boy, who already has his own set of dog tags.

Phil and Matthew looking at a very large plane that I do not know the name of.

A jeep that has Phil's old brigade symbol on it.

And the last picture is of a "Spooky" plane. I think it's Vietnam era. There wasn't as much to see and do this year, but it was still interesting.

Mom and I went shopping last week and Matthew found the mini carousel.

It stopped too quickly for him, but he still had fun.
Looks like a passenger plane with combat paint--all those windows.
Matthew is quite the little helper these days! He sure is having fun this summer.
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