If you read the blog carefully, you would have picked up on the fact that a couple weeks ago we had a Pampered Chef party at our house. The consultant was my Mom's old college roommate, Linda. Linda brought her Mom with her and she is a dear! Matthew and her became great friends. He conned her into reading 9 books!

Linda, her Mom, my Mom and Matthew

We had such a great time seeing them!

Last week Matthew and I went to school to help MaMaw put together some bookshelves.

Matthew packed his tools to help with the building process.

While MaMaw was unpacking the box, Matthew used her pointer to highlight different parts.

I'll help you unpack the big pieces.

Matthew used his hammer to pound in the wooden pegs.

Matthew is very good at turning the screws. They got the 3 book shelves together in no time!
It was such fun at the PC party with friends and Linda and her mom. And what would I do without my sweet little helper and his wonderful mom to help me get ready for a new year at school? I'm so lucky!
I agree with Beth the PC party was fun (especially the fruit pizza {hint, hint}) and it looks like Matthew helped her get a little bit more organized for the new school adventure!
It's elisa! The kittys are cute wish I was closer I would help you with them :-) your house looks great! Are you selling it or still going to live there? Matthew looks like a great helper!! Love and miss you guys!
Mom and Angela, glad you had fun!
Elisa, thank you! We are going to keep the house. Phil wants to retire there. Matthew has become a big help. Miss and love you too. Keep in touch.
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