There are now 36 families participating in the kinderGARDENS contest! Isn't that exciting? Here is
week 5 post over at The Inadvertent Farmer. Most of them are families with little kids, but one participant is opening her garden to adult volunteers. Click
here and
here to see what she has to say. I think that's a great idea too. It's important to get "children" of all ages in the garden and learn how to be less reliant on our grocery stores. Just this past week lettuce was pulled from shelves for E coli problems. Story on that
here. Last year or the year before, it was spinach being recalled. Much of our apple juice comes from China, Argentina, and Mexico. When Matthew was drinking alot of it, I could only find one brand that sold apple juice grown in the USA. Isn't that sad? What is wrong with a country that can't even grow it's own food? Ok, ok, I'll get off my soapbox (that isn't what you all come over for) but I really think it's food for thought. Makes a great case for being self-reliant.
On to our story, what we've been doing in the garden the past week. It's been an adventure this week. We had Scamp toss several pots around and destroyed some seedlings. They've been replanted and we are hoping for the best. To read about the damage more go
here. Monday our idea got mentioned over at Not Dabbling in Normal. Please do go
here and read about it just because I was THRILLED! Otherwise, we did what replanting was necessary and a tiny bit of watering and then it's been cold and rainy, so we just been kicking back our heels. Here is a few pictures of our sprouts that desperately want it to turn warm and sunny again.

The Iran pumpkins. 6 sprouts now, couldn't be more pleased. That's great sprouting for seeds that had a low germination rate and are now 5 yrs old.

The replanting of the Forellenschuss lettuce is sprouting.

One of the heirloom tomatoes.

One of the Royalty Purple Pod beans is sprouting.

Tuesday Matthew, Mom, and I got ditch iris. I didn't have time to plant it yesterday, when it wasn't raining, so Matthew and I ran out and got it planted today.

Matthew assisted me by pulling grass and handing me irises to plant. I did the back breaking digging.

We planted them by our barn between the 2 rose bushes I transplanted last yr. It ends up just being a big weed pit that Phil is scared to mow or weed eat for fear of hitting one of my plants. I'm hoping that this will turn into another beautiful flower garden. Anyone who has been to my house know I'm tucking flowers everywhere I see grass still standing after Phil mows. Now if we can just keep Scamp out of the garden, we'll be ok!
My coworker informed me this week that the purple green beans have been planted in their container and she is just waiting for them to sprout. She then said," if they ever do." I said, "Mine haven't yet, just be patient!" I'm hoping that they do well and it sparks something in that talented, creative family.
If you've missed our previous kinderGARDEN Thursdays here is the list:
Week 4Week 3Practice RunSalsa Garden Planting ListWeek 2
Post with Links to Week 1 and 2 on the Inadvertent Farmer's siteThat should catch up everyone up. The posts have links to the contest and weekly updates that have other people linked to them. As usual it's not to late to join the fun. If you are family that doesn't have a blog, but wants to play along, let me know. If you send me photos and text about what you are doing, I'd be happy to post it for you. Happy gardening everyone!
I have that very same soapbox...I pull it out often!
Yeah for real food...yeah for real kids growing real food!
May I just say your backdrop for your iris is so lovely (I love barns)
And lastly...5 year seeds? That is awesome! Kim
Yes, I bought those seeds 5 yrs ago! Couldn't be happier to see something sprouting.
I as well appreciate the soapbox, don't ever worry about pulling it out!
It is so rewarding to have seeds grow, especially when they are old and /or you have left them in the green house all summer and winter and they STILL sprout!
We have the same barn red paint it seems! I have some iris's to separate, is it safe to do it this time of year?
Your blog is awesome! Love the title picture and I saw the "nose cleaning dog" post ---so hilarious!
Matthew seems like a great helper!
Iris are beautiful. You can rest from your labor and enjoy the knowledge that they will bloom for years and years to come!
How exciting! That's how I feel with our little plants starting to sprout too.;) But Irises... They multiply like crazy. I'd like to have a good spot for them. There were lots of them here when we bought the house, but I ripped them out because they were so overgrown. I love the flowers, but I'm not crazy about the green spikes that remain after blooming is over.
Yeah more iris'!! You know I'm excited because I'm hoping to be able to plant some of the offspring in my own yard someday......... I'm glad your mom and Matthew got to go ditch diving is sure is fun. I hope that Scamp learns to leave your garden alone; maybe you need to soak the pots in hot sauce???
Cathryn- Well, I haven't had a problem transplanting iris in May, but probably the experts would tell you to wait till August, September. I did read something that said if you didn't want to lose blooms next yr to do it in May. I'm sort of fearless, I transplant/plant whenever I feel like it. Good luck!
Grace- Matthew is a good helper! I do love that iris live so happily without much from me.
Dawn- Be still my heart, I'd have taken the iris you ripped out! I wish that iris bloomed longer, but I kindof like their leaves. I guess that's why I keep collecting them. When I moved to our 101 yr old house there wasn't one flower, bulb, blooming bush on the place. Only dandelions. I've brought alot of stuff in.
Angela- With any luck you can have one of each variety for your new home when you get it! I may buy stock in hot sauce. So far he's been good, but I don't trust the big silly dog.
This is such an interesting project. I'm still not done reading all the links you included! It is so fun to see all the comments from your blog/gardening friends too. I think it is wonderful that so many of you are into raising plants yourselves! It is inspiring!
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