Matthew hasn't been sleeping well lately. Which in turn makes me sleep poorly. The poor kid is frankly starting to look a little beat up. Saturday he got some bites on his chest that he scratched all night long so that they got bigger and had actual scratches in them. Sunday, because Matthew walks while looking behind himself alot, he ran into the handle of the stove and gave himself a scrape on the side of his forehead. Today, while looking backwards again, he ran his eye into the doorknob at school. Now one of his eyes has sortof a reddish-purple ring about it. Either he blacked it, it's allergy eye, or sleep deprivation. His allergies are so bad his excema is getting all active. Sigh...on to Matthew funnies or events.
When the phone rings he says, "Phone's calling."
Matthew banged my plastic pitcher on the cement so hard (even though I told him to stop) that he shattered the bottom of my pitcher. Totally. How can an almost 3 yr old do that?
He is very excited about plant watering.
He is very excited about playing in running water, which is probably raising my water bill.
I finally taught him how to hold fingers down with his thumb so he can count with them. Now he is going around saying, "Three frog potties. I have 3 frog potties." (Then counting fingers) he says, "One at Mommy's, one at MaMaw/Poppa's, and one at Auntie's. Yea!"
He informed an 75 yr old lady at the grocery store today he had 3 frog potties and she had no idea what to say.
We have a game we play where he will ask a question, say, "Can I have gum?" I'll say, "Um no." He'll say, "Um yes." Me, "Um no." Him, "Um, yes." Repeat one or two more times and then he'll say, "Um, no." and I say, "Um yes." and repeat and then switch around a few more times. This also involves lots of head shaking.
While trying to explain why Matthew shouldn't do stuff, like throw toys down, I say things like, "Because you are going to break it and then you'll be really sad and cry." So now he parrots it back about things, "I'd break it and be so sad and cry, right Mom?" The other day I'd noticed a big hunk of metal in the road and avoided it for 2 days. Finally I knew my Mom was coming to visit after school, so I stopped on the way to school and threw it in the ditch. Matthew wanted to know what I did. "I threw a piece of metal in the ditch." "Why?" "Because I don't want MaMaw to hit it." "Why?" "Because it might hurt her car or mine." "And she'd be so sad and cry, right?" "Yes baby, that's right."
In the days events of me, I went and let them take more of my blood to see if I'm improving with my Vit. D levels. In the afternoon, while Matthew was supposed to be napping, I went outside and sat on the back steps. The dogs were no where around, but Too Many was. I asked if she'd like to come sit with me awhile. She hurried over and laid down. I asked to feel her belly and when I did, she purred as loud as she could. While I had my hands on it, I got to feel her babies moving around. It was incredible. There is nothing like feeling new life move, no matter what species it is! (And the minute I stepped back in the house there was an incredibly indignant Pandora waiting at the door. I think she'd call Too Many a brazen hussy if she could. Either that or she just wanted to sit in the door and look at all the birds...)
I know I say this a lot, but:
I can't begin to tell you what a blessing your blog is to this Auntie, who is so far away. I get to hear from you about Matthew, the rest of the family, AND you! Plus, see lots of photos.
Surely he is one of the few little boys with three--count them, 3--frog potties. Worth announcing to the world.
That's what makes sharing too much of my life so fun! It keeps me going to hear someone say it's a blessing. Thank you for being such a blessing in our lives. We play with toys you've given us, we enjoy hearing about plants we've shared, we dream of ways to sneak more to your house...we love you!
Awww... That is so sweet! And I love the blog too!!!
Matthew is having so much fun with the garden! I love it!!!
PS Thanks for removing that metal so that I wouldn't hit it with my car and be so sad and cry!!!
I love the girls wacky outfit, the Matthewisms, and the Too Manyisms (I'm glad she let you feel her babies moving around). Keep setting the bar for blogging high and someday I may actually be on point with my own blog:)
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