We went to Shady Beach!!! I love seeing all my in-laws dearly, but it was so nice to get to slip away for 3 days and see my Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Leon at their campground! For more information about Shady Beach go

It's rustic, it's sleepy (at least the pace during the week-weekends can see 600 people packed in), and it's peaceful. The perfect vacation spot.

I knew it was going to be a good trip when Matthew looked like this on the way down.

We got one of the cabins. May I just say I'm in love with their design? It sleeps 6. It has A/C. If it had a toilet and a sink, it would be perfect. I might never leave.

Downstairs was a bed and picnic table.

Upstairs was a matress on the floor and...

...the futon where Matthew slept all by himself. He LOVED it! He felt so grownup. It would make the perfect rainy day play room too, in my humble opinion.

At the camp store Matthew modeled a cowboy hat made of Coors Light boxes for me.

This is a large 6 bedroom, 2 bathroom cabin that my Aunt, Uncle, and son built on a different property. (Any CA relatives want to fly out and spend a weekend or week with us here?) Very clever design again, rustic, yet charming. It has it's own private beach. My hat is off to my aunt and uncle and their son. I couldn't build and fix as many buildings as they have, that is for sure!

After they got done taking us on the grand tour and to supper, Matthew and I bounced on their private trampoline. Matthew showed off the mad skills he'd learned at his month of gymnastics.

The next day we went and played on their beach for a long time in the morning. The water is so clear that you can see up to 6ft down. Deeper then that gets murky. We also rafted down the Elk River, but I have no photos of that. I was afraid the camera would get soaked. I'm sure it would have. You'll have to trust me that it was awesome!!!

Matthew got a net for catching minnows. While rafting we finally caught 2.

Even Phil had fun in the water, and he is not a water person. It bores him. He loved it so much that we are going to try and go again this year.

This cliff just fascinated me! It literally hangs over the road, while the road hugs the river. I wish I could have taken pictures from the water because it was amazing.

And at the very top is this house that is hanging over the overhanging cliff! We thought it was a crazy place to have a house. It was beautiful though.
That is the conclusion of this presentation. Maybe in the near future Shady Beach will be more of a household name, but for now, remember you heard about it here first!