Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tornado days

My son is allllllll boy. I picked him up from daycare today and the report was, "He was a tornado today." Does that make your heart sink like it did mine? He apparently zoomed all over the room falling off of stuff. At one point Amanda and his legs were sticking out of the exersaucer. He would hold hands with Mallory and then they'd both get mad at each other and start attacking each other. I just don't know why he's sooooo violent. We don't hit each other, so why all the violence? Phil says he's just a boy, but I want him to stop. Apparently time outs aren't driving the point home and neither is my vow to take his books away. Argh.

So we came home and he was doing this.
Yes, he has learned to slide down the slide backwards and stand up in his swing. He also likes to swing on his knees facing the wrong way of course. I'm thrilled beyond belief, I assure you.

Maybe he is just really having cabin fever like all the other kids at school. Matthew believes in at least an hour of running outside, but with it in the teens, it's just too cold. Plus snowflakes have been falling the last 2 days.

I did make it to my eye appt. The verdict was my eyes were nice and healthy. The doctor wanted to know why I waited so long to be seen, so I explained. He said to argue with them next time because I have to been seen within 48 hours next time. Or go to my own eye doctor. He has prescribed a certain solution to use and says to use a new contact case and of course fresh lens and see how it goes. At first I'll only be able to wear them to work. I have to build up. So I guess tomorrow's the big day. I'm a little nervous truth be told. But if it comes right back I'm calling up and saying, "but Dr. Smith said to come back in right away." Matthew was actually very good through my hour there. The only bad part was they had to dialate my eyes. I don't remember having it done before. According to him, I have to have it done at least every 3 years since I'm so near sighted. It was interesting trying to go grocery shopping with my near vision all messed up. Three hours later my eyes looked like this.

Kindof freaky. I just prayed the the cashier's wouldn't think I was on drugs running around with a toddler. I wanted to tell them, "really, I just came from the eye doctor, he dilated my eyes," but I kept my mouth shut.

Right now a coffee cake is baking in my oven. On Country Girl's blog she posted the recipe her German relatives brought over with them. It smells fabulous and the batter was fabulous. I have high hopes. I'm not big on coffee cakes, but I couldn't pass up trying this one. I've already been informed by my husband that I have to save him some because apparently he likes coffee cakes. Didn't know that. Now I do. You learn something everyday about the person you are married to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to save some coffee cake for your mom, too!