Have any of you had a day where everything was totally going well and suddenly it was like you were just broadsided by junk? Well that would be my day. Sorry to not be upbeat, but it's getting a little tough. I don't feel to humorous right now. For awhile now, not great stuff has been happening with my Grandmom, that is pulling the whole family into the turmoil of insanity. I won't say more about it because this will become a rant session, but know it's not good. For you that pray, please hold my family in your prayers, especially my Mom. I know a brighter day is coming, but at some points it feels so far away. Tomorrow I will go support my mom with the next step of the puzzle. While trying to get stuff sorted out for tomorrow, my Aunt Bobbie called to say my Aunt Phyllis had passed away. We'll be going to Mom's home town Saturday for the funeral. When it rains, it really pours doesn't it?
Now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you about the better parts of the day. I left the living room today today to heat up lunch and when I came back in Matthew was doing this.

I mean obviously the table is growing grass and the best way to mow it is to crawl on top and proceed from there. Good grief. He even pushes the lawnmower up the slide. Obviously the plastic slide grows alot of grass too. I'm glad he works so hard to keep his grass patches mowed down.
He is also decided he really likes to color. His favorite thing to color is this.

That's right. Now paper, I give him that and he crumples it up and throws it away and proceeds to decorate his table. His brand new table I might add. But the crayons are washable. It really isn't a big deal, unless he does it at daycare...
I have my hands full with him! The daycare report wasn't the best. He decided to sit on a little girl's head and refused to get off. I swear, he's not my child. Where he gets this stuff, I don't know. I swear a long cruise, a desert beach somewhere is just sounding better and better. But it's doubtful I'll have the chance (or money!) for that luxury, so maybe the next best thing would be adopting a puppy or maybe 2? What do you think? A little puppy love bandage?
Yes, to the puppy love bandage, but don't forget the pain of potty training a young dog! Matthew can mow our grass one of these days! Thanks for the pep talk and the support. Our family is so lucky to have you three to stick together with us. Love you all!
You send that boy to Kansas City so he and I can start a lawn service. We can charage extra for the Cute Factor.
Refused indeed! What ever happened to yanking him off and telling him "No! Do not sit on people!"
I totally argee with yanking him off, but I failed to mention that whatever part of the little girl he could reach, he was hanging on to, so I'm sure he was hard to extract. In all fairness the daycare is good, but Matthew...well, somedays I just don't know. I think he hasn't quite figured out what parts of a person is ok to sit on as well as who. He has tried to carefully sit on a 9 month old's lap before. I'm hoping he got put in time out. I was assured that he did not hurt the little girl, which could have been sticky if he had since the older sister is in afterschool...
Oh, and yes a lawn service sounds good. In these troubled times even little men like Matthew need to pull their weight. ;)
Never mind about the speed of yanking him off--
I think the bigger question is whether he is learning that everybody--people and pets--feels happiness, sadness, pain--not just him. Also, whether he is learning that his actions can hurt others and cause them to feel pain.
Can almost 2-yr/o's pat and sadly say, "sorry, sorry" when someone is crying or has a skinned knee?
Teaching strength/size/age issues sounds hard.
Back in the day, a time-out was a way to make an out of control kid calm down and regain some self control. Theory being to remove child from the stimulation that the child was over-responding to. Is it now the punishment of choice since a swat on the behind is said to teach violence? Where do you and Phil, and daycare weigh in on that?
Your mom and I were raised waay back in the day, when you yanked and swatted first; then asked questions or explained what had been wrong. I think that was over-used.
I'm not really sure how well he grasps others emotions yet. He may have great handle on them, I'm not sure. As for daycare, they have a no swat policy which leaves time out. Matthew has been put there a couple of times and he's cried because he knew he was in trouble. I personally put him in his crib for a time out. It seems to work for us. Most of the time anyway.
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