I am recovering nicely. I've finally had some solid food and don't feel too strange for having had it. I (with some guilt) took the day off. Ever since I got sick, Matthew has been also having major gastric distress in his diapers, so he probably needed to stay home today anyway. Hopefully he is finally done with that business! Since we spent the day resting at my parents (Phil had to leave to go back to work and I couldn't handle Matthew on my own, so he took me to my parents to finish recouping-Mom couldn't come up because she has a form of this nasty stuff too! And now Phil I believe is getting it also...) we don't have much news, but we'll leave you with some delightful pictures.
This first one should be titled: Chocolate anyone? In October, at school, someone most have given him chocolate. These 1st 3 are off my phone.

Hanging out with Great Grandmom, waiting for the motorcycle riders that never showed up in September.

Looking cute on Great Grandmom's porch swing with my Grandparents the same night.

It's hard work making your way through brome stubble. Sometimes you just have to get off, push, and finally pick up your bike and wheel it back out to the lawn grass...

Modern Texas Ranger trying to avoid his diaper change, while stealing a moment to reach out and touch someone...

Devil cat? You decide.
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