Well, for quite a while now, I've gotten so frustrated with how slow the dining room has been going, I've lost sight of how much I love this house. It probably doesn't help that I've been reading other people's blogs and I always gravitate towards the ones that have big new perfectly decorated houses. It really makes it so obvious how much different my house is from what I'd like it to be. Which drives the point home how little I make now because I stay home with Matthew and how little I contribute to the finances and how that's slowed house progress and...I could go on and on and spiral down into a deep dark funk. Well, anyway, today two of the parents that came to pick up their kids told me how great my house was starting to look. In fact one parent said, "You're house is just looking lovelier and lovelier. I have always loved that house. When you started doing the roof, ah, just so perfect." Talk about re-instilling pride in your home. Ok, so maybe my house isn't perfect and all designer yet. And maybe it's only a measly 1800 sq feet. It's mine and 100 years old! I've totally forgotten to say that it's officially 100 this year. Brand new homes are lovely, but they are cookie cutter houses and in some ways aren't built as well and with as much care to details. I guess I can't deny the country girl in me that calls to old farms and homes. Which makes me think how everyone wears different hats. I know that the country girl lives in me and a fashion diva, but I mostly end up as a frumpy dumpy jeans girl. My husband would say I look like a preppy girl. I hope people see me more as that then what I see myself as!
It is my custom to try and take pictures of Matthew on the 13th every month so that I can see how much he grew over the month. I started out taking them in our big living room chair, but since Phil took it with him, it makes that not possible. So I ran around the house trying to take pictures of him and he evaded. I think he's getting grown up enough that he doesn't want Mommy flashing his eyes so much, but he better get used to it. It probably isn't stopping for many a year yet. Then his child will get the glory of my flash and improved picture taking skills.
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