I've decided that I have an abnormally smart pack rat. He seems to know that there is bait in the car and after trying it out has given it up. In fact I think he decided to start chewing the carpet in protest. So I had to up the anti today and buy rat sized glue traps. I baited them with peanut butter. As of 8pm no luck, but hey, the night is young yet. I can tell that the rat has been having lots of fun finding obscure objects to toss around in the car, like a bottle cap and a tiny silver ball. That's how I know he's thumbing his nose at me. If he hasn't stuck himself by Monday afternoon, I will drop the car off at the service dept and let them tear apart the car and hopefully evict him. I have to say although I want him gone, I don't relish having to decide how kill him. I guess I'm a little soft-hearted after all.
Due to the rat problems, Matthew and I didn't get to go to KC. Instead Mom and Dad picked Matthew and I up and took us shopping for rat supplies. We ran a couple other errands too. And ate at MickyD's. Matthew successfully ate 6 McNuggets today. He's growing up. On his 1st birthday he could only eat 2. Moving up to the big leagues. We'll probably run up to see Daddy Thursday instead. Tomorrow I have no idea what we'll do since I didn't plan to be here, but I'm sure we'll come up with something!
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