Last time I spoke with everyone it was Thursday and I had to hold down the program by myself. Well, later that night a mom of one of our kids called and was desperate to have someone watch her son. I agreed to do it, so Matthew and I had company all day Friday. Matthew was so excited that he could only manage to make himself eat 3 bites of breakfast. We spent the next 10 hours baking pumpkin bread, playing games on the computer, stripping wallpaper, tossing balls, yoyo-ing, kicking the soccer ball, coloring, playing in the barn, taking pictures and watching Shrek and The Wizard of Oz. We had lots of fun. But it really wore me out. I have some sinus thing going on that has drainage that makes my throat irritated, which makes my voice not so good. It also makes me extra tired, I think.
Saturday I finally got to go pick up my car. Yea! I can go where I want, when I want, again. I got to meet Phil on post for lunch since he happened to be there. Then Matthew and I went home and packed the car. We took off for KC and ran a few errands before Phil got off work. When we were settling in, and waiting to go to supper with another couple, I noticed Matthew was really warm. He is a very warm little guy, but this was really warm. Sure enough, he had a 102 fever. So that shot all dinner plans and I had to have Phil pick up meds. The little guy was so miserable he got up several times that night.
The next morning I was so exhausted I felt sick, so Phil let me sleep in. When I got up, Matthew had a rash around his neck and shoulders. By evening he'd shaken off the fever, but the rash had shaken everywhere on him.
This morning I called and got him an appointment. We went and she determined that he had a interviral virus in the same family as hand, foot, and mouth disease. She also didn't think he was infectious anymore and cleared him to go to daycare tomorrow. I think he got what all the other daycare kids got last Monday. So I then talked about his horrible diaper rash situation and she thought my suspicion that he has a food allergy was probably on target. So we had to go to the hospital and have his blood drawn. He was so good. They stuck the needle in and he didn't flinch or cry or anything. I was so proud of him. We should know what to do next in about a week. Depending on what they find out we may have to go to a specialist. I learned that 1 in 3 kids who have excema have food allergies. And the most common one is milk. That would tragic because Matthew loves his yogart and icecream, as well as milk. I also learned he now is about 23 1/2lbs. I thought he'd gained weight! So that's about all the news I have. Just a long strange weekend. Not at all how I planned for it to go.
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