Yesterday I decided to take a break from the time warp boxes. I played with Matthew outside some. It kinds stinks getting in and out of the car now because Matthew always wants to drive. If you don't let him, he throws himself on the ground and pouts. Yesterday it had been raining so I kept trying to lower him onto not so muddy/wet areas.
We went to school early, because my boss wasn't coming and I had to set up everything alone, which I do alot anyway. I got done a little early so Matthew and I were going to go out and play on the playground. Right as Matthew started to step out I saw a small snake. I pulled him back in and went to get help. Best I can tell from pictures online, I'm pretty sure it was a rattlesnake or another poisonous snake that I can't say the name of or spell. In any case I'm so glad he didn't get bit. It was a scary moment for me. You just can't watch enough.
Matthew actually got to go to daycare before any of the kids came in (thank goodness). The little girl he likes so much came a little later with her mom to pick up her older sister. She had red spots all over her face. I thought they were mosquito bites. So I asked what happened to her and the mom replied, "Oh, the doctor's aren't sure what it is, but it might be chicken pox. It's not bothering her though." Great. I wonder if he's going to come down with something now.
This morning Matthew got up early and took a nap early. So I pulled out another time warp box and sorted it. Very easy. Just more notes to fling. I also went through another that the hair yarn came out of and it is going to just have to wait till my dressing table comes. Everything in it came out of my dressing table. I threw away all I can and now things like a jewelry box full of my 4-H pins are left as well as my bracelets made out of folded gum wrappers. Anyone else ever have any or see them? They pre-dated the friendship bracelet by about 4 years probably. I found some of those too. Anyway, I found one big enough to wear and it matches my shirt. Score! Matthew while awake worked on getting legos to stick together. He's getting so close. I am continually amazed by all he can do now and say. Oops, he's back up, better go!
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