We have had several busy days. Yesterday I planted most of the irises that I received last year as well as the tiger lilies I bought. I can't wait to see all the flowers bloom this year. I just hope I come home at the right times so that I can see them. Meanwhile, while I planted flowers, Phil helped the roofers. Around noon they had to knock off because of sheet lightning.
Today Phil and I took Matthew to his last eye appointment. The doctor was satisfied that his incision was well on it's way to healing and said he doesn't need to come back till next year for an annual exam. When we got home Matthew crashed and took a long nap. Phil continued helping with the roof. Even though it misted/sprinkled, the roofers persisted and got the north side done. Only 1/2 a roof to go. The main roofer is pretty discouraged with how long it is taking to put it on and all the special cuts it takes to make the pieces fit. We have a tough roof.
Well, I got home from work tonight and started feeding Matthew. Halfway through his usual meal he kept shaking his head no, and didn't want to eat more. Then he made the unmistakable movement in his neck that you know is going to end in you being covered in puke. Yep, he puked all over himself and the floor. So we stripped him and gave him his bath. Within an hour he was getting really tired, so I tried to feed him some milk before bed and you bet, he puked all over me, himself, and the couch. So we stripped him, and stripped me, changed him, and put him in bed. He has no other symptoms of being sick other then a runny nose, so... Poor guy. Hopefully he is done throwing up now. I now have a large load of dirty clothes washing since I don't want his vomit to stain.
I hope all of you are having a better evening then we are!
Maybe my dog is very empathetic. She has been trowing up all day. I hope Matthew feels better tomorrow. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about clothes.
Oh, poor Molly! Is she ok?
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