It shouldn't have taken all my higher education to come up with the answer, but apparently this morning I should have stayed in school longer. This is the problem. 1 10 month old + 1 half drank cold cup of coffee =
fingerpaint Yes, I made the mistake of leaving him alone in the living room half of the front rooms while I printed off something on the dining room side. I had forgotten I left my mug on the table...and when I hopped back over our lovely fence this awaited me. Happy child splashing in the coffee that was pooled all over our coffee table. He was even more delighted he could lick the coffee from his sticky fingers. Yum, baby's first ingested caffeine rush. And don't even ask about his outfit. Let's just say it did it's part to stop the flow of coffee to the floor and I immediately started a load of laundry. Lesson learned. Coffee + baby = Disaster!

I finally can set my feet on the floor and wheel this baby around. Oh yeah! Retro Rocket ready for take off 1, 2, 3, BLAST OFF!

Yesterday we went to see the Grandparents. Matthew had a really good time showing off for them and of course taking the
required nap with Grandma. It was the best way to spend ones 10 month birthday. Or at least I think that is what he'd say if he could say more then Mama, Mommy, Dada, Daddy, and hi.

Other then that mess and finding the car was busily running the air conditioner all morning, for no one, running down the battery (thanks husband-if you want to get the Harry Potter
cd that's fine, but taking out the keys once the
cd is out is an even better idea...) the day went pretty well. Matthew and I went outside for half an hour so he could play on the grass with his new toy. We've decided to call the new toy "the walker". He was so excited to be outside. This is really the first time in his whole life it's been nice enough for him to go outside. And for him to be big enough to really enjoy it. Later he went to daycare and entertained the staff by pushing a toy around and carrying his blanket in his mouth at the same time. After he ate supper I made
ooobleck on his highchair's tray. He found that mildly interesting. But he was most excited about his daddy finally getting home from his first day at the recruiting center.
Phil's first day was a long day of trying to get all his in-processing done. Now that he got that done he is off till the 24th so he can get moved. Hopefully we'll figure out a place to send him by time he needs to be back up there for his first day of work!