Just cuddling with Grandma wasn't enough. I insisted that 2 pillows be placed behind me so I was propped up to the right level for maximum tv watching enjoyment.

Yesterday Mom and Grandmom took me to a park I'd never been to before.

And boy do I looovvve it.

Down the slide...

Up the slide.

Oh the joy of climbing high...

Run to life's next big adventure.

Matthew and I were visited by Bailey and his "girlfriend" Amanda today. The best part was the 4 wheeler. Matthew so wanted to go home with "Bai" or "BailO." (Notice Amanda assumed picture taking position, so cute.)

Then it was off the to park to eat a picnic lunch and play and go swimming with some more kids. It was a busy full day of fun. And now Matthew can't sleep and is practicing his name to stay awake. Did I mention it's 10:30, argh!
I am so glad that I can put faces to your names! (and see Anne's other side, hahaha.) What a good looking family I have! Matthew is growing in leaps and bounds...his trouble-squad dog tags and ear-to-ear grin are a perfect fit. What a wonderful world he makes as a "funny" very sweet boy.
It looks like everyone was having a blast! I know I was...
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