I was telling a cousin of mine, via email, that Matthew and I stopped by my friends house yesterday, to chat and pick up his birthday gift. Love her if she doesn't give the best gifts, but she's a terror to the house-ly calm. You see, she is converting my small child to what she calls "the Lego religion." His first birthday he received a tub. This year she decided that, that tub didn't have enough so she upgraded the tub size. Matthew's in heaven and I'm in...well slight panic about trying to keep all 104 legos together. I kid...sortof. I used to count them when there was only 33...So now I'm helping snap together his bigger and better creations. He loves this set because it came with the car base.
Everything in Matthew's world is "mine." Now we have power struggles over Mom's cell phone (mine) and Scamp and Missy's ball (mine) and the family tv remote (mine). But yesterday he labeled something as "mine" and I could not argue with it. It was the sweetest "mine" ever. While we were driving in the car he kept smiling and saying, "MY Poppa" and some "MY Grandma." No argument here. They are his, because they are MY parents!
Along with "mine" "I'm funny" has become a comment and excuse. I kicked the dog because "I'm funny." He has alot to learn. Another thing he's learned is to identify himself in photos as Matthew. I'm very excited about that. He's been saying everyone's name, but himself. He did it last Wed, but he really got going today with it.
What a fun-filled delightful life you lead with that cute boy! Oops--I mean "funny" boy! And as for your pics, at least you were wearing cool jeans!
Yes, at least I looked decent this time.
Legos are the best shared experience with your child, aren't they?! (and the worst to step on in the night!) Also, LOVE your jeans... the mom look is so "in"... and your husband is "funny" like his son. HMMM genetics or experience?
Well, that's hard to say...probably genetics, Phil's pretty funny. I love legos too. I saved all of mine, but he's too young for them yet. I love my jeans too (here's a secret: $170 jeans, $30 on ebay brand new.)
ROFLMAO- I'm sorry that I'm a terror to the house calm!!! But that's what "aunt angela" is for- just ask the other parents. I had a blast playing Legos with you and Matthew and I can't wait to play again. Just remember that the gifts will only get more interesting as he gets older.
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