Monday, March 2, 2009

Aches and Puppy

I'm one big bundle of aches today. More muscles on my body are sore from my stair experiment. To top it off, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a fiery earache. I tell you, no luck at all. I haven't been able to hear out of my ear well all day, felt it need to pop all day, as well as being able to hear how strong my heartbeat is through it. Sigh. At least my heartbeat is good.

Matthew and I's only real accomplishment was getting Scamp to the vet for his shots. (Puppy is between 10 and 12 weeks old (no puppy teeth lost yet) and 22lbs. Matthew is around 25lbs, so I was wrong when I said the puppy outweighed him, but he sure feels like it! And they have no idea what kind of a dog he is, except big. Maybe lab mix they finally said.) I had loaded the car, with the puppy in the back, and started it before we went out, because it was so cold. When we walked outside, Matthew charged out and started calling, "Puppy!, puppy., puppy?" He was so deflated Scamp didn't come running and appeared to be gone. I kept trying to tell him that the puppy was already in the car, but he didn't seem to believe me. When we hopped out at the vet clinic, and I lifted the tailgate, Matthew breathed, "Puppy!" He was relieved to see the puppy was in fact, ok. Everyday when we come home from school, as soon as we start turning in, Matthew starts calling, "Puppy, puppy, puppy." If we are outside, Matthew acts annoyed with Scamp, but have the puppy inside and the boy is rolling all over him. Good thing the pup will be big! I guess you could say they like each other a little. Wink, wink.

The bright spot of the day was catching my Dad at DQ, to eat lunch unexpectedly. When we pulled up to the light by DQ and Pizza Hut, Matthew had started chirping, "Eat, eat!" Matthew refused to take a nap, so he refused supper, and went straight to bed. No cute pictures today, darn it! Tomorrow will be better in that department most likely.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your ear is better. Matthew and Scamp are a perfect pair!

Anonymous said...

Did you take your pseudofed?
And lie with your painful ear up?
Oop, my mistake - you're an Army mom.
AND, employed as well. No naps for you.

Aren't you all glad that Scamp showed up, and that you kept him? Whatta pair those two make. I bet in a couple of years Matthew will LOVE being outside with Scamp. They will have adventures.

I hope this is Tuesday--not another Acheday!