Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The marvels of modern technology

Here are some of my very favorite pictures of Matthew. This one was taken outside in November. It was the very last warm day. And it was the very first day in over a week he felt good. It was right after he got over the awful flu thing he had when he left the daycare in Manhattan. Every single baby in his infant room had it and gave it to him, poor guy. Look how bald he still is! (Well, he had hair, it was just really short and fine.)
This was taken in December. What a close up! Look at those eyes! Ornery bugs are just jumping out of them.
This one was taken in January. The thing that grabs my attention the most is how his hair is still very short on the sides, his sprout hair that he was born with is the main focus. It makes him look like he has a baby mohawk.

Ask me how I took these 3 pictures. Yes, I took them on my cell phone. I finally realized that I could send myself pictures to my email. Yea! My pictures can't be lost now! Technology is just amazing. And I can't believe how good the picture quality is!

Matthew is most likely starting to cut more teeth. He has just been very fussy and unhappy for most of the day. It could have been that he was just unhappy that his father left, but I am banking on the teeth. His poor little gums seem pretty swollen up and I think I can see several teeth straining to come through. Time will tell. My dad very graciously offered to come up and watch him while I continued to weed through all my stuff (I won't even bother to say "our" stuff, because I'd say most of it is my junk!) and toss stuff upstairs. I don't know if it was much fun for Dad or not since Matthew was so fussy, but he looked every inch the part of the proud Grandpa.

Once again I want to say how proud I am of my husband. He has convinced 2 people to sign up now (even though he didn't get the credit for them since they hadn't given him his computer, grrr), and today he got 2 more to say they would sign up. They haven't yet, but if all goes well they will soon. Way to go get them Phil!

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