Today was graduation day for the 2 teens that I work with. Our family spent the whole afternoon running around celebrating with them and their families. It was fun, but very hot and tiring. Matthew was a good sport about it, but he finally got very, very tired and we knew it was time to leave. One of the girl's families, my family has known for years. Her great-uncle was my parents very best friend. Her grandparents also owned a cabin at the lake and were good friends. Some of my best memories were spent at our cabin in the summer. Her cousin is only 2 years younger then me. When we were very little we played together alot at the lake. It was very strange to see him again after 20+ years. He also is married with a baby. Strange how life goes. Anyway, it was lots of fun to see all of them again. Another way my life was tangled in her families is her adopted father went to high school with me. It's a very, very small world. At least in this part of the world.
As you can see, the weather has been cooperating with us and much of the work has gotten done. It is really exciting to see so much work done. We are so thrilled with all the work so far. Hopefully we run close enough on budget to allow us to finish with all of the work we want to do at this point. I couldn't post the final side of the house due to camera problems. If I had you would see the roof is finished all except for putting up the weathervane/lightning rod. They have primed the walls and probably will soon have it painted. I am going to paint all of the lower level. Like I said above, I painted all of the lower level on the north side. I started scraping the east side under the porch, but we've been too busy this weekend to do more. Saturday Phil and the roofer, James, put in a new window in the living room. What a difference it has already made in the temperature in the living room. If we replaced all the windows I think this house would be so much cheaper to heat and cool. Two windows down, 19 to go with one more in the bathroom when we remodel in there. Anyway, we needed to get more trim pieces for the living room and kitchen window because both of them were missing pieces. We tried the local lumberyard and they didn't carry any so we went to Home Depot. Guess what. Our house is sooooooo old that they don't make trim pieces that even come close to looking like the ones we have now. Great. So we tried to get a piece that looked as close to what we have. We decided to only get a foot piece just to make sure it will work. Good thing because Phil hates it. It doesn't work so well I have to admit. I'm not sure what we'll do. Maybe we can find a place in the big city that has something closer. While we were at Home Depot we tried to get flooring for the bathroom and of course, the color we wanted was so popular they didn't have any left. So we'll have to go back next week and get some. A new shipment should be in by then. How frustrating. But I'm getting used to that considering every project in our house has a snag.
3 more days of work for me. Yea. I think. I have to decide to very quickly what I'm doing for the summer because I have several job offers here, but not much to speak of in the big city. Lots of pros and cons to weigh.
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