Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend surprises

Sunday I got up to a very proud little man who had decided it was high time to line up all his books in a row. (You know how he is about rows of things...)

Then the kittens proudly brought us this beautiful caterpillar thing, that Phil so rightly said had a horn on it's rump...I'm sure Angela will clear the matter up...

And then to find this. Why are my covers moving? Could there be a Pandora rolled up inside of them...

Why yes, now that the husband has come in and pulled the covers back and away...

It is a Pandora. The prettiest, sneakiest-ly naughty cat in our residence. I did not take photos of Two trying to break the dining room window out to get in at 10:30 last night. I also did not take photos of Pan trying to kill him through the glass. From sunrise to after sunset it was one surprise after another.


Angela said...

WOW- your weekend sounds more fun than mine.

Why was Two trying to break in? was he scared of something?

So the larva looks like a Manduca sexta (Hornworm, Tomatoe Hornworm) and yes the horn is on it's rump to discourage predators from trying to eat it.

Auntie said...

What an interesting life you all live. I think you have a gift for noticing and appreciating little (so-called) "throw away" moments.
PS Skipper had a portion of wet fishing worm hanging off his beard. Yetch!

The author said...

Well we try to live all La Vida Loca. Two, I believe, as all males come to believe at some point, that it's all theirs and as the man should have access to everything. So, by right, he should have unlimited access to Pan's kingdom, I mean queendom, and she's having no part of it. They fought on the back porch steps this afternoon and she was really cranky she can't budge the little "freeloaders."

Yick, Skipper, a fishing worm? How ever did he get that??? I certainly try to appreciate and record our little moments together. It won't last long and that makes me feel very wistful.

Mom said...

Matthew did a good job lining up those books. Pandora is beautiful!