Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The mad rush of spring planting is about to commence. Mom got a big box in with more to come and I got some in myself. If it would stop raining, so the soil could dry out some, that would be great. I went ahead and planted tonight anyway. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully well.

Matthew has been a terrible 2 handful the last couple days. He did take time off it today to give a little girl at the daycare a goodbye hug. The mom thought that it was very sweet. Already charming the mommas.

So, not much news here. Just busy with spring activities!


Auntie said...

As it should be, eh?

Mom said...

I'm so excited about all the plants, both yours and mine! I'm glad Matthew had a sweet moment today! He'll grow out of the 2's soon enough! Hang in there!