Friday, April 17, 2009

Doing our part to make the world more green

Matthew and I have been very busy the last 2 days. Yesterday we got packed to go to my parents before work. After work we came back, picked up the dogs, and headed off. My mom and I spent almost 3 hours planting all her plants. Around 10:20pm, by a camping lantern, we finished planting her plants. About 11pm I realized that I hadn't remembered to lock up the school's library. Gulp. So off we went to make sure it was locked by someone. (Someone had.) At midnight we got back and set to work on filling out a job application. Around 1:30am Matthew woke up screaming and had to be comforted. That's when we all went to bed. About 6:30 am we all got up again. I finished filling out the job applications and got Matthew and I ready for the day. Around 9:30am we set off to drop them off, since one was due today. An hour later we were headed for home and my boss called. The house next to her is abandoned and full of daffodils, grape hyacinth, and tulips. The guy who owns it had given her permission for us to dig whatever we wanted. So I dropped a few things off at home, like the dogs, and set off for her house. We dug bulbs for probably about 2, 2 1/2 hours. I came home with 2 types of tulips, 3 types of daffodils, and a clump of grape hyacinths. I think there might be a 4th type of daffodil there, but I will have to wait for next spring to be sure. Around 1pm we made it back home again and ate lunch. By time we ate and I got cleaned up, there wasn't time to do much. We went to work and when we came home, I started to plant. Luckily Phil was able to come home tonight. He entertained Matthew so I could plant without his "help." I planted most of the bulbs, but I still have 3 ordered plants to plant and Mom says more came in at her house. I just wish the rain would keep holding off, but time is probably running out. The sad thing is I planted all these bulbs tonight and now I'm thinking I should have planted some of them in different spots. I may not have to worry about it if Scamp digs them up. Oh, I pray he doesn't. He's done really well not disturbing things lately. I got a dog be gone spray that is suppose to neutralized familiar odors, which makes them nervous, so they don't dig. I don't know if it works or not, but he hasn't really dug anything I've sprayed. I just hope luck is on my side.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good luck with all your new plantings. I do hope Scamp will be good this time! I bet he will. I love the looks of all my plants! I can't wait for them to grow! Thanks for all your help.