Thursday, April 9, 2009

BIG news!

We made history in our house tonight. Today April 9th 2009 will go down as the first night that Matthew used his big boy potty! We are sort of on the road to potty training. Oh happy day!

Other then that, the day was fairly routine. The puppy went in for his "gentlemen's surgery", so we hung out with Poppa for the morning and met Grandma for lunch. Tonight we played with Matthew on our bed. We both pretended to be asleep at one point. So when we decided it was time for Matthew to brush his teeth, he flopped over and pretended to snore. Gotta love a sharp kid.


Mom said...

Wow! That's great news!!! How wonderful! I bet Matthew was really proud of himself. It's obvious that his parents were very excited too! How funny that he copied your pretending to sleep as a stalling tactic of his own!

dwindlingdreams79 said...

congrats on the potty training!!! This is a very big mile stone for you guys. Hope it keeps going forward!