Yeah, so you see spring is a time of new growth and renewal. It's a time of birth. If you know me well, you know I love all things baby and kids. So it is very understandable that the possibility of children coming would make me want to jump for joy and click my heels together. And who you ask, could possibly be pregnant? Well, let's run down the possibilities, shall we?
The only females on the place are: Me, Pandora cat, Isabel cat, and Missy dog.
Pandora, Isabel, and Missy are all fixed, so that takes them out of the running in a pretty definate way.
That leaves ME, and let me tell you, I'm 100% sure I'm NOT pregnant. So who in the whole is possibly pregnant?
Any guesses?
Any at all?
Are you ready for it? Can you handle the truth? Hehehe, ok here it is...

You see, Too Many is a girl. We have had a case of mistaken identity for awhile now.

I mean my first sign should have been all the washing.

And careful grooming Too Many does. She is as immaculate as if she lived in the house.

So, now that we know the truth, doesn't that look like a pretty bulging midsection to you? (Set to the tune of White Christmas) "I'm dreaming of orange kittens, just like the one that we own, where they learn to rat, and keep the barns free from vermin and keep them outta my car, I'm dreaming of orange kittens..."
Hmmmm. Maybe ALL the critters should get their surgery so they aren't either making babies elsewhere, or having them at home. I bet they are cute kittens!
Oh how sweet! Won't they be fun???
However, since you actually NEED more cats, it is probably a very good thing that Too Many pulled a fast one on you. She can show the babies where to hide and how to stay safe. Plus teach them to hunt--I hope she is a good rat-cat!
mmm- who would have guessed, well we will have to wait and see what kind of kitties are born and I'm guessing this means Scamp will have more "play toys" hehe
She is an amazing rat cat! This is the first winter that Pan hasn't been chasing a mouse around and killing it. It could be a coincidence, but I'm thinking the external help helped. I've seen many a killed rat, mouse, etc since fall. I'm actually very excited to see if we get kittens and can get a small herd of dedicated barn cats going. I suppose it could be crowded, but since Too Many's mom disappeared and both of the other kittens died...I'm guessing there won't get to be too many.
Maybe the survivor can teach survival.
This is my hope!
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