Yea! It's kinderGARDEN time again! Matthew and I are so excited! We've been discussing what to plant this year since January. We started the year living in TX, in a rented house. We planned another container garden because we weren't allowed to touch the yard of weeds, I mean grass. In February we started planting cold weather crops and seeds to plant out later after danger of frost is gone, since that comes around the beginning of April. Due to my husband being injured and being "deployed" we had to stop in our tracks and concentrate on moving. We've ended up back home, for the time being, and have taken over a lovely enclosed garden space. Since early planting starts about now at this location, we really aren't behind! The last 2 days we've worked hard to get it ready. For the last 2 days Matthew has been informing me, "Mom, if your child wants to plant seeds, you have to let him!" Well, I agree, but we have to get the ground ready first! We have planted some strawberry plants in the flower beds and herb seeds. We'll see how they do.
So to answer Kim's questions in her post at The Inadvertent Farmer.
1. Tell about your family and what is our plan. We are minus Daddy at the moment and plus Mamaw and Poppa. I think Mamaw and Poppa will be mostly encouraging and admiring, while Matthew and I will be the laborer's, which is just fine with us. Our plan, good question. I guess we'll try to go with what we planned in February and expand since we'll have more room, and plant things like gourds and Chinese yard long noodle beans. The whole family is interested in eating better. Fresh foods we grew will go a long way towards that goal.
2. Matthew and I are veteran gardeners, but we don't claim to have excellent advice to share!
3. I will be gardening with my big helper, my son Matthew!
4. Originally, Matthew and I thought we'd be expanding on last year's idea. I even got to books to read up on how to container garden better, but now we don't really have to. So we are going in a whole different direction, more traditional garden. Matthew, I think, wants to put something fun in the garden, make a hobbit house or toad house, a dirt patch for his toys, or something, but we haven't gotten that nailed down yet.
5. Matthew is dreaming of purple green beans and carrots. He thinks flowers would be good too. Along with the play element in the garden!
We were going to plant our seeds today, but it started raining bright and early this morning. 7:30 am to be exact. Hopefully we'll be able to get them planted by next Thursday, but we are supposed to get rain off and on for the rest of the week. Do click on the links in the post to catch up on stuff we've done so far. Especially what we've done so far to the garden. We're pretty proud!
YEAH for kindergarden :) I second the motion for a hobbit house, maybe a giant pumpkin or something
So exciting! This year is going to be fun!! :)
You better let your child plant seeds! Way to go, Anne and Matthew.
I will help. I will,I will--honest!
(At least until it gets too hot!)
Looking farward to seeing what "fun" elements you incorporate into your garden. This is our first year so we are just hoping for something edible. Maybe we can work in something creative next year.
hoping to find some creative ideas and help when needed, so glad to be on the ride with you!
looking forward to the ride again with you! :)
I'm glad through all the moves that you still have a garden to work in!
Happy hoeing!!
Angela, Matthew picked giant sunflowers. :)
Faith, I can't wait!
Auntie, he planted seeds yesterday, we are good!
Mom, so basically no help in the summer, wink wink. :)
Nap Mom, it will be so fun to watch your family work in your first garden!
Kindra, it's sure to be alot of fun! Here's hoping it grows well.
Kirsten, I'm so excited, glad alot of the old faces are back. :)
Cathryn, I'm so relieve to be able to garden too, I was getting worried. Can't wait to see what your great family does this year!
Anna is excited to do purple beans too.
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Purple beans? Oh, how fun!
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