One small boy decided to plant carrots.

Over 800 seeds in one small plot, which is the whole package! Boy I hope some of them can grow!

I love how the garden looks! Now if it grows it will be great!

Here is Matthew's plot. It's where over 800 carrots seeds are, along with 4 flower plants he picked out today and a strawberry plant. We decided to put the strawberry plant in a pot so that can be taken out of the garden.

Garden stores are dangerous places for me. I bought myself a patchouli plant. I didn't even know you could buy them, so I jumped on it. I planted it the flower beds, but I will pot it up before winter, probably should just do it now.

Mom and I got chocolate mint, mint julep mint, apple mint and lemon verbena, yum!

And my son got a tomato plant! I questioned if he really needed it since he can't stand tomatoes. He thought for a minute and said, "I'm going to grow a little and then I'll like tomatoes." Far be it for me to discourage him, so it came home with us. We planted it in the flower bed in hopes it does well. For some reason, I suspect that the black walnut trees are killing them, they aren't doing well in the garden anymore.
I planted everything on the list, except for the lettuces and greens. They can be tucked in later. I added zucchini, spaghetti squash, nasturiums, 3 different kinds of mint and sage and 3 Fooled Me peppers.
hooray! your garden looks so cute! we planted a whole bunch of stuff today, too.
watch out for your mint - it spreads like you wouldn't believe! but i love running my hands through it and smelling it. i think my favorite is grapefruit mint.
i love matthew's tomato quote - hope it proves to be true! :)
I agree it is so fun to buy plants! Today I picked up a pineapple sage! I already have tri-colored sage and broadleaf sage but this smelled so delightful I couldn't pass it up!
Just thin the carrots well as they come up and you should get a fine crop. Actually, I was told NOT to pull them but to snip them with scissors, that way the root of the ones you are leaving aren't disturbed.
Have fun!
Kirsten, we are going to leave the mint on the steps, in the pots, so hopefully it won't run a muck!
Cathryn, we just got tri-colored sage and golden I believe. Pineapple would be a fun one to get. Thanks for the tip about thinning with scissors!
Your garden is beautiful! Laying all those bricks so evenly must have taken hours. A true labor of love.
The garden plot looks great! Who knows, after toting his watering can all season he may be eager to try those tomatoes he grew!
I'm very excited about the garden this year! Great job Anne and Matthew!
We were too late to garden centres to buy chocolate mint last year, so I am going early this year. I'm jealous that you've already planted - we'll be waiting a few weeks up north here.
Auntie, it didn't take as long to lay the bricks as to dig them all up!
Erin, crossing fingers, but his Dad doesn't like tomatoes alone either so it might now be in the cards.
Mom, me too!
Mama Bean, well, it almost feels late since I could have planted in March, in TX! But every year, no matter where I live, I want to plant in January so I feel your pain. Hang in there!
I like the path in your garden. Maybe my family could do something similar next year. It is hard to reach the stuff in the middle without a path.
I am eager to see his carrots!
Nap Mom, I have learned to love paths!
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