We started off by collecting bur acorns on a walk.

I took more night shots.

I love how they show the motion.

We went to story time at the public library. They got to sing, do a craft, read book and danced with ribbons. Matthew really enjoyed it.

Our acorn collection has increased. The tiny ones came from our walk to the job fair Wednesday and the middle sized one came from the library parking lot Tuesday.

It got so cold last night we woke up to frost, which you probably can't tell in this photo!

Then today coming home from the post story time, I pulled over so we could get more acorns and collected leaves this time. He's so proud of the seed collection he's getting.
There is what it sounds like around here sometimes. Enjoy!
That is a great acorn collection he has started! The night shots are very interesting as is the ribbon dance photo. The motion was distorted in such an interesting way, but the look of concentration on his face shows clearly. Wow, your frost is so thick it looks almost like snow! We really enjoy the pictures of your life!!!
PS Was that wind in the audio?
Nope, it was actually all the range noise. The rolling thunder is the bigger blasts.
Remember the the western movie line about "It's too quiet out there" - your range has its own share of night noises. You are making such strides with your photography. I totally agree with "Mom" about your shot of the ribbon dance. The elapsed time night shots have the same motion. I have confidence that you will find nature activities with Matthew, and interesting ways to show your life in photography wherever you all are sent, which should help redeem any assignment.
My 5 year old is obsessed with acorns! Any walk in the park we have to constantly stop and fill pockets! He calls them "egg-corns" LOL
Erin, I'm glad it's not just my son!
Auntie, the ribbon shot was taken by the little camera in easy mode, so I never know what I'll get! I just get lucky!
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