Saturday we got up early and went to some friends' house in east Texas.

They live in the country on 4 acres with 2 little country boys.

Yesterday we went to church with them and we all enjoyed it. I wish I'd thought to take a photo of Matthew in his Sunday best.

Matthew had a ball. He didn't want to leave. EVER. (At least until he woke up, as we got home, and then he announced, "I'm tired for Texas. We need to get a big truck, put all our stuff in it and go back to Kansas. Some stuff goes in our car too.")

Yesterday we got home on the last rays of the sun. Phil called and let us know that he had badly hurt his back again. The powers that be, have removed him from tank commander and put him in Headquarters. He is very upset, as well as I am. We now know he can no longer do what he loves to do and it hurts. He'll be starting the medical rounds again, as they decide what to do with him. Please hold Phil in your thoughts and prayers that this latest setback will be a blessing in the end. I'm sure it will, but for now it hurts.
I'm so sorry that Phil hurt his back again and that he won't be able to be a tank commander.
Time to get that big truck and go back for KS where Phil can be an A#1 recruiter again. What a heart break!
But not let the frustration, anger, and sadness totally overshadow the fun time you all had, and the great shots of the boys.
What a handsome little trio of country boys! Isn't that smile wonderful! And then the look of concentration as he figures out how to climb further!
You and Phil both know how much we care that things go well for you. First step is to get him healed up as best as possible. And then we can look for that silver lining! We love you two and are very sorry for the disappointment you both are feeling. We are very proud of our soldier in whatever position he serves. He always does his very best! This breaks my heart, but it will be OK in the end. I just know it will! So hang in there!
Love you!
I'm so sorry poor Hubby is in pain and you are both disappointed! :(
Will be praying that he mends quickly and that you will be able to see soon the new things that God has in store for you all.
Thank you all for your support. It feels good to know that no matter what God has in store for us, that we have people in our corner.
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