Sunday, August 14, 2011

kinderGARDEN Thursday: week 15

This week as been about rain, which means we haven't watered the garden in a week now, and tomatoes.

Matthew's tomato bush got so big it dragged it's cage over, so I just left it there. That hasn't stopped it from producing and growing.

I believe we picked 22 tomatoes. Matthew has been encouraging us to eat tomatoes, not that he wants to eat them!

The only other garden news is that the luffa vines are taking over radish plants and starting to bloom. They better set fruit soon if we're going to get anything! For that matter, all the squash better start setting soon!


Auntie said...

Wow, wish I'd thought to try one!

Mama Bean said...

Rain and tomatoes - exciting week! I hope your luffa's grow because I want to see pictures of them :)

Kirsten said...

hooray for rain! i'm crossing my fingers for your luffas, too - i want to see how they turn out!

matthew looks so grown up in these pics!

Jess said...

Almost every one of my tomatoes has fallen over taking it's cage with too. Good thing that doesn't stop them, Matthews tomato harvest looks amazing!

The author said...

Auntie, he's a pretty good tomato farmer!

Mama Bean, it has been! Me too, I sooo would like to end up with at least one.

Kirsten, I'd love to say I grew a luffa. I can't believe how much Matthew has grown this year, or summer that is.

Jess, glad to know our tomatoes aren't the only cage bullies. It's the best tomato harvest we've had for a few years!

Cathryn said...

Matthew is getting to be quite the gardener!!
Way to go Matthew!