We have had a big weekend. Saturday Phil and Matthew left in the morning for haircuts and gas, while I cleaned the kitchen. After lunch Matthew napped, while Phil and I tackled the yard. Both lawnmowers had been on the fritz, but Phil changed the spark plugs and we were in business. I pushed mowed and he riding mowed for 3 hours, after which he weed-eated, or however you spell it. In the middle of it I got a call that they were planning to tear down the old house we got bulbs from and should come dig all the rest we wanted. So Mom came and got Matthew for a sleep over and I dug bulbs. I have as many daffodils as I can manage at the moment, I think. I shared a variety with my mom, as well as lily of the valley's I dug for her. It pays to watch my son. While I was digging, the man who had bought the house stopped by. He let us in the house and yeah! He's letting me take any moldings, lights, doors, windows, and doorknobs I want out of the house! I'm very happy to receive more trim as I needed more for our house projects. After I got home and showered the dirt off me, Phil and I went on a little date night to dinner and a movie. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past is very funny, but definately a chick flick. I believe Phil wished he was at Star Trek instead.
Today we journeyed to my parents to retrieve our bundle of love and celebrate Mother's Day. We ate lunch and then went to see Great-Grandmom. She was in a great mood and Matthew put on a good show. She even thanked us for bringing live entertainment. Now Matthew and I are relaxing while Phil is on his way home. The weekend just in never long enough for this family.
Looks to me as if you have 2 big foot galoots! (No insult intended!) There is no way to figure out the weed eating phrases. "Phil ate weeds?" I take the easy way out and say that I used the string trimmer...
Sounds as if you all had a good weekend.
Matthew is trying to fill those big shoes! I think Mother's iris is a different color from your two that have bloomed so far. How many shades of purple are there anyway?
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