Does anyone else find themselves saying things like, "Any day now..."? Well, I realized it's a mantra in my life. Any day now we'll buy knobs and hinges for the new front door so it can be put on. Any day now the dining room will be finished. Any day now I will unpack everything from our move in '06. Any day now my husband will be moved home. Any day now Matthew will decide hitting isn't getting him want he wants. Any day now those stinking irises will bloom! I will just say I'm totally thrilled because the other irises that my old coworker gave me are beginning to send up buds too, for the first time! Hurrah!
Matthew and I have been busily working outside this week and helping with garden beds at my parents and Grandmom's. Poor Grandmom's were in desperate need of help. I got alot done last night and Matthew did his best to help us. Because my hands have been deep in the weeds and dirt, we have a lack of Matthew photos, my apologies.
Life has been continuing to evolve in our neighborhood too. So far this week one of our close neighbors had their baby and another close neighbor (Bailey's grandpa) died. The circle of life never falls to amaze me. Someone comes in, someone goes out. At happened like that when Matthew was born, only it was all within the family.
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