It was an interesting night for us. I had my doubts about how well Matthew felt before I went to work when he wanted to take a 2nd afternoon nap. He is down to taking only 1 a day. I had to wake him up to go to work. We get there and he seems ok, but his cheeks are red. So I go to the daycare and ask them to take his temp. Of course it's 99.8. I'm beginning to think that there is no need to get Matthew any costumes because he is going to be sick every Halloween. Last year he got very sick the day before Halloween and was sick for a week. Then I got strep, so it was the week before Thanksgiving before he trick or treated at the relatives. Good grief! Anyway, he stayed with me until we came home. Phil had taken the day off to go trick or treating with us. We talked to my parents and took Matthew's temp again. 99.5. Not great, but not bad, so we decided to go ahead and take him to my parents and grandmom's. He did ok at both stops but was pretty tired by time we got home. He did think it was great to have a pumpkin full of chocolates. That is until we refused to give him any more. Then he thought he had mean parents. I have loved the costume he wore since '05, but it turns out it was a big pain to have him wear. He hates having something on his head, so he constantly took the head off. The flippers were too big, so he tripped and fell if he tried to walk. So it's a good idea that doesn't pan out so good.
Today was about the same for Matthew, so Mom and I ran to Target and got a couple things and then came home. Phil and I attempted to get some more stuff done on the house. I primed and he cleaned the garage. He also built some nifty storage racks for the real wood paneling we are ripping out of our house so it doesn't get ruined. We are moving it and cleaning the back porch in anticipation for our new old trim and baseboards to arrive. I can't wait!!! Our new old front door has been stripped and is ready for us to pick out a stain or leave the natural color. It is so beautiful. We were sent photos of it today. I always thought it was beautiful, but now it's absolutely stunning.
It's amazing was a little stripping can do for wood. I'm so glad that we didn't buy a new fake wood door. It wouldn't have been right for our house. I'm also very glad it will be ready soon, because our old door is in bad shape!
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