I've been remiss in blogging much lately. It seems that strange stuff just keeps happening around here. Like Friday I woke up with pink eye and Matthew had incredibly runny diarrhea. We didn't leave the house that day. In fact Mom came up and brought us supper that night. It's a good thing she did because the dining room floor put a monster splinter in my toe. I finished fishing it out, but she started the operation. I couldn't believe how big it was and how deep it had got embedded. Saturday we just lounged around the house. We did leave the house just once so that Matthew could yell "Kitty!" at the cattle. He and Missy noticed them in the small pasture right next to our house for the first time. Missy was growling and barking at the window, while he was enthralled saying "Kitty." We have been working on saying cattle since then. I'm not sure how successful it's been so far though.
Sunday I allowed my parents to steal us and spent the afternoon at their house. Today we were back on the normal routine of getting ready for school. Matthew got shoved into a door jamb by another child. He now has a line going down his cheek. We'll just add it to the scrapes he gave himself on the nose. He was pushing his lego box around like a laundry basket, but it would fly up and hit his nose. Finally I took the box away from him and put it up. He hadn't learned by the 5th time and his nose was really red.
Sunday Matthew said, "Are you serious?" He has started making the "OH" face. It is pretty cute. He now likes to mimic blowing noses and believes he should put his dirty diapers in the diaper genie. He says "hot" and waves his hand to cool it. He also sort of goes "brr" and waves his hand for things that are too cold. He likes to help put stuff away. If you tell him to put stuff back, sometimes he will. He is constantly entertaining us all by dancing. It doesn't matter what the music is, he will find the beat and hop to it. My father had an uncle called Jig. It was a nickname he had gotten because when he was little he would jig to music and the name stuck with him. Maybe Matthew is just following family tradition, although it was an uncle by marriage. He has enthusiastic "yea"s and does more yes and no head nodding. We are working on knowing our right and left feet. We have two books that talk about getting hugs at the end. He knows when it's going to say that and puts both hands under his chin, puts his head on one shoulder and swivels back and forth like he is cuddling something. Life is almost always entertaining here!
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