After a week, I finally have my computer back!!! Yea! I know you are all cheering with me, because computer troubles for me equals no new blogs for you. My computer keeps killing my anti-virus programs. Hopefully this time the misery is over. I miss blogging. And emailing.
What to say about last happened? I'm too tired to remember it, so obviously it wasn't so interesting? Well, I do remember that Matthew became quite fond of "Aut, oh" so now I hear it all the time. It's very cute. We tried to swim on Thursday, but my boss prevented it from happening. Saturday, Matthew and I went to Phil's for the weekend. I had Monday off so we stayed and enjoyed lunch with him. Saturday we went and looked at the door. It looks sooooo good. I'm very pleased with it. Sunday we veggied. After lunch Monday, we took off for my parents. We hung out with Dad for a little while and then went to see my Grandmom. Since her helper was there we didn't get to do any talking, but Matthew showed off, so it was ok. After that we met my parents for dinner and then Mom, Matthew, and I FINALLY got to go swimming. I got in a good workout. Today we went to work and now we're home.
I just can't believe how much Matthew keeps changing. He remembers, every time we go to Phil's, that there is a box of individual freeze-dried apple and pear packets, in a cabinet he can reach. He always drags the box out, so he can eat some. This time after he brought me the box and I'd gotten one out, he took it back and put it away! I was so proud of him. And amazed that he knows to do that. He is also currently enjoying honking noses to hear them honk and beep! Mine honks deep and loud, while Grandmom's beeps softly.
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