Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall cleaning

Sleepy friends. They cuddled the whole night. Phil called today and said that Isabelle is missing Missy and has been calling for her. Poor kitty, I think she misses Missy way more than Missy misses her!

A perk of cleaning the back porch is finding my old rocker from when I was a child. I cleaned it up today and brought it in for Matthew. He immediately sat in it and started pulling/pushing it around.

Just how strong is this thing???

I'm comfortable, really.

They say in the spring you are supposed to "spring clean" your house. This year it falls in the fall for us. Phil and I did some major fall cleaning yesterday. Object of the attack: the back porch. That one spot in our house that we really just shove everything. So now all the junk is going. Yes! I'm so excited. I've wanted to get my hands on it for months. I found a crammed full box of clothes I guess I meant to sell at a yard sale. I say I guess because I think we moved that box and deposited it in the corner where I found it 2 years ago. Well, all those clothes are gone at the thrift store now. One good thing I found is our cordless phone. We thought we had thrown it away by mistake in the move. We had found it's empty box a couple months ago. I almost got all of the back porch cleaned now. Tomorrow it should be knocked out. Now the other room off the back porch is another matter!

Matthew and I went to work and held it down by ourselves again. My boss had another issue and couldn't come today. I hope it gets better. Matthew had another clingy day. I had to leave him at the daycare with him screaming and running for the door. I felt so bad. They said it took him 10 minutes to calm down and then he started up again. Ack. After work we went swimming with the Grandma and entertained both grandparents afterwards. He was pretty pooped by time we made it home. I feel that way too. I did alot of running with the kids at work today.

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