I know you are all as excited as I am to be able to post (and you to view) current pictures of Matthew. The good news is that this trend is here to stay. My aunt very kindly went out and bought us a new digital camera. Thank you Auntie! These weren't taken with that camera though. Phil is playing with it currently. I take charge of it next weekend. After that he'll be lucky to ever see it again!
Friday, after work, Matthew and I took off for the Grandparents so we could go swimming with Grandma. That didn't work out well because we got there and I'd forgotten the little swimmers. Rats. We'll try again this week. Saturday we went to a auction. At dusk we congregated on my Grandmom's porch to watch a bike group go by with their show lights on. They never came so we decided the drippy weather we'd been having drove them away. Matthew had a great time chasing one of my Grandmom's outside cats, Locket, around. He also did alot of what I call "jive walking." He walks while moving his upper body from side to side. It's so cute. Everytime I see him doing it I just wait for the Bee Gee's "Jive Talking" to start playing. "...Love talkin Is all very fine, yeah Jive talkin, just isn't a crime And if there's somebody You'll love till you die Then all that jive talkin Just gets in your eye..." Too bad he wasn't born in the 70's. He'd have made such a good little disco dancer. He also dances by running in place. That is also very cute and very typical for the age he is. My very good friend's little girl did that too. They called it "flash dancing." She loved to do it while watching herself in the mirror. Matthew just loves breaking it out anytime he gets excited. And it's even funnier if mom copies.
Today we came home and ate lunch. I took pictures of our trim upstairs to send out to different salvage companies to match. Then we went to a nearby town to look at kittens for Phil. He is going to get one so he has a pet. I picked out a little calico girl for him and then left. I brought the cranky bug home for a much needed nap, before we set out for yet another town to go Walmart. Our own beautiful cat was in desperate need for food. I was in desperate need of bread pans. I didn't mess around this time. I got 3. Last spring I realized I really needed 2, so I went and bought one. Then I had two bread pans for one baking and when washing my first one the coating started to flake off. Back down to one pan just like that. Grrr. After shopping, I came home, repotted my poor totally root bound hanging plant, cooked supper, played with Matthew, and bathed him. And low and behold another thing you always hear about happening and don't want to happen, happened. Now those of you that read my blog often and read carefully last spring should have a feeling where this is going. And I'm so sorry to tell you that you are indeed correct. Yes, this is another poop story. Matthew stood up and grunted. I started to panic while screaming in my head "NOOOOOO!" A second later it came shooting out. The funny part in this unfunny scene is Matthew turning around and looking shocked to see poop floating around him. I swear he would have said, "Now where did that come from?" So poor Mom had a fishing operation to do and a recleaning of the child. I have to ask myself, "What's left for him to do?" But then I panic anew and knock on wood. Some things are best left unsaid.
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