I'm so excited! Tomorrow is the 1st day of October and we all know what that means...HALLOWEEN! Yes, I'm a bonafide Halloween junkie. I can't help it. I always loved all the mystery and old world romance about it. I pulled out my Halloween stuff today and was dismayed to discover that it still is contained by 1 little box. I guess I have loved it from afar and kept my checkbook close since I grew up. I may now go buy a little bit more stuff. Just a tiny bit. It's probably best for now to just have a little since Matthew is in the stage of chewing and flinging everything. And the dining room is still in the midst of remodeling (and may be that way for months) so there is only one place to really display stuff and that's the living room. In a couple weeks maybe we can go as a family to an honest pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin or two. I've never been to one. We always got our pumpkins at the local grocery store. I'd also love to make a ghost to hang from the tree like Mom did for me one year. It was so cool.
We had a typical busy weekend. Shopped with Mom, ate with Phil, and hung out. Sunday Phil and Matthew mowed the lawn and I cleaned. Later we went grocery shopping and Phil went home. Yesterday Matthew and I swam with Mom. I think the weekly swimming is really helping him. He very enthusiastically frog kicked! I'm so proud. He is learning he needs to kick in order to move through the water. He also finally thinks it's fun to be glided from person to person in the pool. Last summer Phil and I tried to practice with him and he had such a huge melt down we had to leave. I'm very pleased with his progress.
I don't know if I've written about it, but Matthew is learning to do the chicken dance! He was going around flapping his arms like wings, so I decided to hum the chicken dance for him and show him all about it. He now flaps and claps and sometimes wiggles all the time, but so far no beak work. It is the cutest thing ever, if I can take a moment to brag.
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