Pan messing around in a box.

Missy saying hi to our newest member of the family, Isabelle.

Matthew showing off how easy and fun it is to carry her. I don't think she probably thought it was all that great.

Hiding from Matthew with Dad.

Rats, he got me again...

Mom and I took time out from our frantic yard sale-ing to take the boy to one of the many neighborhood parks to swing, teeter-totter, and slide. He loved swinging the very best!

What a handsome little guy.

This is at Melissa's birthday party. Everyone was tossing squish balls from one cup to another and backing up as they got it. Matthew finally couldn't take it anymore and ran out in the middle with his sippy cup.

Group pose at the crazy birthday party. The girl holding him is Melissa and her brother Michael is on the floor giving a very fake smile. They are the 2 kids who came and stayed with Matthew and me for a week in the spring. Matthew loves them both, but especially Melissa.

Downtime with daddy.
When I last wrote on Thursday I planned to eat with some extended family. Matthew and I did, we had a great time. He even called Maurine "grandma" clear as a bell. As we were leaving town I noticed a motorcycle a little ways behind us. I thought to myself, geez, I wish that was Phil. When it came time to turn off the highway onto another one, the bike turned too. It made me wish a little more. Then as we went through a town and turned for our house I lost them and thought, oh well, I knew Phil wasn't taking time off. Then as we drove down our rode I suddenly realized the bike was back there!!! I got so excited! Maybe he did take a long weekend! But as I turned in the driveway, the bike did not. Talk about a let down. So I proceeded to get Matthew bathed and in bed. I hopped on the computer and Phil called. I asked him what he was doing and he said driving home. We talked about 5 minutes and there was a knock at the door. I was a little scared until I saw...it was him! Talk about weird! He got home 1 hour after I did. It turns out he had to come down for early PT so he decided to surprise me. What a great surprise!
Friday he left at 6:30am to do PT. Later in the morning he came home and switched out cars with me. Matthew and I proceeded to have a pretty normal day. We went to bed and got up early to go to post yard sales with Mom. We didn't find anything I needed, other then a really cute winter coat for Matthew. Mom however got a crib just like ours to have at her house for Matthew. She paid about 60% less than we did for it new so I think it was a bargain. After we got tired of yard sale-ing and were done pushing Matthew on a swing, we took off for town to meet Phil and pick up "Aunt" Angela so we could go to the Pumpkin Patch and a couple stores. It was fun, although strange having 2 cars full of people. Phil, Matthew and I finally got home around 4pm. Matthew had taken about a 45 min nap so we made him take one before we took off for my bosses daughters b-day party. We spent the rest of the evening there. It was a crazy long day for all involved. I was so tired I went to bed at 9pm and didn't get up until 9am. That's a very long time for me to sleep. Normally I get maybe 7 hours of sleep. Phil stayed up late watching tv. He said I did alot of talking in my sleep.
Sunday we got up and went to my Grandmom's house to meet the family for lunch. My aunt was in town to clean gutters and things. We had a good time hanging out for a little while and then came home to rest. All of us are having allergy attacks (and me possibly a combo of cold and allergies) so we are not real perky. On the way home we stopped off in another town were a family had kittens to give away. We picked out a little calico for Phil to take home with him. She is so tiny and cute. They think she's about 6 weeks old, maybe 5. After a day of debate, Phil named her Isabelle. A very pretty name for a very pretty kitten. Matthew was so entranced. He loved that she was just his size. He kept picking her up and setting her down.
Monday Phil got to stay home because instead of taking his birthday off, he took Monday off because I had it off. We pretty much just hung out around the house and I cooked enchiladas and a birthday pie for him. We were supposed to go drop off stuff at my parents and pick up my furniture from them, but we were just too tired and I'm nervous about trying to pack all these antique things so that they don't slide around and get hurt on the 25 mile ride. So I opted to way until Mom and Dad could both help us pack them up. That afternoon I discovered that the business in SC I've been talking to for weeks now about baseboards can't find any after all and the door trim is all painted, so I've decided to see if the one last place I've found can help me out. In the evening Phil went back up and I got the little one to bed. I think Pan is really glad the kitten is gone. She hissed every chance she got and hid out in the kitchen. At one point she was found sleeping in the cupboards. Mostly she sleep under the counter. Talk about cranky. So cranky she hardly left the kitchen. Maybe she wanted to be close to her food so she could defend it. I actually went to bed early I was so tired. And I had crazy dreams all night long.
This morning I woke up and luck was with me! This last place has yellow pine baseboards!!!! Now it will just be a matter of negotiations, I think. Cross fingers for me. Matthew has been cheerfully going around calling for his Dad. I keep explaining that Dad is back at work. Matthew was most pleased to find that his dad left his hat behind. He spent a long time putting it in and carrying it around. Matthew and I send out a big HAPPY 31ST BIRTHDAY DAD-PHIL!!!!!
Tonight after work, Matthew and I will drive to the other school to a picnic in the park for the daycare. It will be nice to meet some of the other parents. Matthew is so on the fringes since he isn't there much I really don't know alot of the kids or parents. I do know one parent because she and I were good friends in high school. Surprisingly enough, her daughter and my son should be in the same class, just as we were.