We're back!!!! It's so nice to be back in the land of real yards and homes with more then 4 tiny rooms. Matthew especially is enjoying the new found freedom. We will go to our house today to start setting it back up since I have all day meeting tomorrow. He will be going to daycare for most of the day. I hope he's up for the challenge since he's been very clingy to me all weekend. This weekend I went to a huge antique auction and bought a antique kitchen hutch. It has the neatest art deco iron handles.
Since I last wrote, Matthew finished swim lessons, we tried to do alot of family things since we are going to be living apart now, and mostly tried to avoid the heat. Matthew is learning to run and saying more and more stuff. Well, it's becoming clearer now I should say. My first day back at work is Thursday. I'm not ready for school to start so soon. But it will be good to have the extra income coming in. Phil and I have almost the whole lower half of the house primed and then we can start painting. Phil is taking a 4 day so we are hoping to get it all finished so it's done before winter. We've decided that I'm going to work on redoing the dining room. I'm so excited. Even if it means hours of pulling down paneling, steaming off who knows how many wallpaper layers, filling cracks, and then finally priming and painting. It will be worth it in the end. We are even going to pull up the carpet! Yes! That would be even more exciting if it was the kitchen carpet, but that'd be a huge job! At least the bathroom now has a new non-carpet floor. Whoever thought carpet in the kitchen and bathroom was a snazzy idea, and made it ultra popular, should be shot. It is not a cool thing.
I better go. I have to pack so when the boy wakes up we can head to our house!
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