If you haven't noticed by now, we are pretty passionate about all things K-State. Especially, K-State football, if you are my husband.

My parents and I have all been to KSU football and basketball games. My favorite was Nov. 2000, we beat Nebraska in the rain, sleet, and snow. I stormed the field with the rest of the fans, because hell had froze over. Such an exciting game. I wanted Phil and Matthew to experience the magic too.

So when Phil announced that he was coming home for a week visit in mid September, I ordered tickets right away for his birthday. I loved our seats! 7 rows up, on an end field, on an aisle.

We loved having Phil home period! My new favorite photo of my guys.

Only photo I have with my "feather" in.

It was KSU Band day that night. Our HS band was on the field somewhere...

And best of all, Matthew got Willie the Wildcat to sign his shirt! He was so excited! It was perfect!
I LOVE those photos of Phil, you, and Matthew! Cool pictures of the stadium too!
Almost too perfect for words!
I'm so jealous that you got to go to the game. I watched it from the comfort of my house though. Looked like it was a lot of fun!
Mom and Auntie, thank you and it was!
Jenny, this was the Kent State game, but it was still fun. Anytime you want to meet me at a game, say the word!
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