On Halloween, we went to our very first Halloween egg hunt. Here is Matthew waiting.

And he's off! He got alot of the orange and black eggs.

The Grandparents pumpkins.

Our pumpkin that Phil carved for us.

Today we went to the after Halloween sales. Matthew rode the bull.
Great Pumpkins! That Little Dude has good riding form.
I want to know what you found inside the eggs!
He had Halloween rings, tattoos, animal stickers, 1 halloween eraser, 2 bracelets and a little candy.
That sounds like a fun assortment of prizes! And I do agree with Auntie about Matthew's bull riding form, he has one hand up like he should!
I was thinking about you today - hope the packing and moving is going smoothly! Praying that you have found (or will find) the perfect place. :)
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