We had a wonderful holiday. We cooked for half the day and had a feast that was 100% homemade. I was sooooooo proud. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have the family with us.
I've remember a few tidbits that I haven't shared about Matthew.
1. He is working on cutting with scissors. He started with a pair I had as a child. Today we bought a new pair and I think since they are a little smaller, that it works a little better for him.
2. On the way to TX, he and "Missy" talked and talked and talked. He told her alot about how he felt. I've forgotten alot of what he said, but the topic was he was sad, and worried, but he believed it would be ok. He told Missy several times that it would be ok, because "we have found the exact right house now." It really made me happy to know how he felt even if he didn't want to tell me about it.
3. All today Matthew has been talking to his polar bear. Guess who gets to be the voice for that? That's right, the same as Missy, only polar bear's voice is different, slightly. It's a good thing this "voice" as been the voice for animals for years now. You definitely want the voice of experience.
4. Matthew asks us alot, "Are we in TX?" or "Are we still in TX?" I think the boy wants to go home as much as the rest of us. It's probably because the sidewalks all go downhill, which is great going down on his riding toys, but it's "too hard Momma" on the way back home.
Matthew is a precious little boy! And it will definitely be "OK" because the "exact right house" contains both his mommy and his daddy under one roof together at last!
Ooo, scissors.... have fun! And I love the "guard cat". I've got one that ends up in the most interesting and unexpected places as well.
It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving.
That feast must have been 1000% wonderful!
Did Missy tell Matthew she was worried? or did he tell her he was worried? You're a brave little trio, down there in TX when you'd rather be the three of you in KS.
Auntie, I believe he told Missy he was worried, but not to be because we'd found the exact right house.
Yea for scissors and getting to cut paper with minimal supervision. Perhaps I should ask Matthew to help me make the next round of "holiday" ornaments!
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