Spring is coming...hyacinths are sprouting.

1 small boy has been very busy building towers...

and taking them apart.

Pure delight.

1 small boy requests everyone due their part to feed his need for reading.

The block tower built...

And down.

It was glorious weather...

3 little dogs enjoyed their freedom...

1 little man vacuumed a soybean field...

A new hat was found.

The acorn "hat".

A new wreath was thoughtfully made.

New shoes were tried...

And pronounced to big.
I loved the pictures!!! What an adorable child, and the wreath is awesome too!
Where'd you find the quote on your cool heart photo? That boy and his pup seem to be an ideal combination.
Ummmm, I'm a little ashamed to say. From one of my all time favorite movies, Sex and the City The Movie. They quoted it in there and it stuck with me. Seemed season appropriate.
Seems season--and wreath--appropriate. So where do you suppose they got it? Anybody recognize it?
This is what I know. I pulled out my movie. In the movie she is reading from a book called Love Letters of Great Men Vol.1, which is not a real book. They pulled some love letters from famous men for her to read. This was Ludwig Van Beethoven writing to his "Immortal Beloved." Here it is typed as shown on the page when I paused it.
Letter 1
Good morning July 7
My thoughts go out to you my Immortal Beloved. I can live only wholely with you, or not at all-
Become my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existance can we achieve our purpose to live together.
Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.
Now I assume this is an actual letter he wrote, but I can not guarentee it. I have no idea where to find it. I thought it was very romantic.
I looked under "Beethoven love letters," and there it was! Thanks. Did I mention that your wreath is beautiful?
Thank you!!! Mom bought all the fixin's and we made it! I LOVE it! I can take out the gerber daisies and hearts and insert other things to change with the holidays. I have stuff for Easter (cutest ever) and St. Patrick's Day. I have a butterfly for summer. I think I can use it for around 5 months out of the year, so it's a great bargain. Over the years I can find even more great stuff to tuck in.
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