Saturday, February 14, 2009

The irrestiable bug

Isabelle and Matthew talking.

Isabelle likes to sleep with Matthew. Last night she jumped in on Matthew and scared him awake. That was fun. Today they were both standing up looking at us, but we couldn't get it on film.

My son is so popular he has to talk on 2 cell phones at the same time. Once again, I couldn't get it on film when he had them to his ears talking.


Well, I haven't written much lately, because there just hasn't been much to tell lately. Poor Matthew has defiantly caught some sort of bug that is, once again, messing up his digestive system. It is making him tired and fussy, poor guy. We'll be glad to have him 100% again. And the warmer weather back. In the meantime, enjoy the pics we've managed to snap. It pays to have the camera handy at all times!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun pictures!!!