As usual, it's been crazy around here. I got sick on Thanksgiving and had to stay in bed all day. Phil refused to leave my side, so he also missed Thanksgiving dinner. Matthew went with his grandparents to Thanksgiving dinner and refused to eat more than a bite of apricot, a bite of peach, a green bean and some apple juice. All the fabulous choices and that is all he ate. Friday I was still recovering and that evening Phil thought he'd was going to be sick! Then last night one of our wall heaters stopped working, plunging the front of the house into the arctic. We finally found someone to come out and look at it (a mere dirty pilot). We had him also give us an idea of what he would do to put in a real heating and cooling unit and how much it would cost. It might actually be a go this time. It'd be nice...
So you can see it's been busy here. Of course we never have a dull moment. Matthew is now so proud of the response he gets for saying "yeah" that he says it all the time. He is also now honking his own nose (it makes an ach, ach noise), but it only honks if he does it himself. He will not make a noise for anyone else. He's learning new words all the time. One of which is calling Isabelle, Izzy. Pretty close.
The only other interesting news I've heard is that Phil's step-aunt of sorts is pregnant. I give her crazy brave points for the fact that Phil's youngest brother is 17. I would not want to have a 4th with the youngest basically grown up, but she and her significant other are very excited. Congrats! I also found out that one of my oldest friends is pregnant with her first. She is due around Matthew's birthday. Congrats Heather!