My husband doesn't like to buy flowers, "because why give the gift of death?" But once in a blue moon something unexpected shows up. In the mail this time.

They smell like heaven.

More kite flying because we have wind.

Then the most curious plane flew over that seemed to have an escort. President on his way to El Paso perhaps?

And these always smell like heaven and are delightful. My parents are so lucky to have several varieties.

Heading due south.

Thanks to the high heat, we got to have some water fun.

Scampie preferred to watch.

And because of the high wind, more high flying fun!
Such beautiful flowers he sent to his dear wife!
Matthew is so cute with his skinny boy, plucked-chicken look.
Hard to tell from the photos--was one a more traditional shape plane and the "smaller" one a delta-wing something or other? Could be that was exactly as you guessed.
Auntie, the second was definitely smaller and looked more like a triangle, not a commercial airliner. Who knows what it was, but they stayed the same distance from each, going the same path, the whole time I could see them. It just seemed secretive and odd. Glad I could get the camera to pick them up. I swear there was a 3rd small plane that I only saw once and couldn't get on the camera.
There probably was a third one! I wonder what Air Force 1 looks like from underneath. It sure sounds like they were protecting the first plane. You were really looking up at the right time.
Never would have seen it except for the fact I was looking up at the kite and a turkey vulture that caught my eye!
What an eventful day!
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