The other day, maybe a week ago now, we watched snail for a long time. Matthew insisted on eating on the steps to watch it! I had never really watched one. It was fun to watch it's shell wobble from side to side as it moved along.

Inside of an orange iris that bloomed today.

The joy of wheat fields.

And the joys of dogs.

The garden is starting to sprout. I believe these are radishes. I think that sunflowers, squash, and beans are starting to sprout. It is raining tonight, so that will be great for the garden. We really needed it.

While weeding the flower bed, I noticed a black walnut tree sprouting. As I dug it up, I was most surprised to see that it had the walnut attached and you could totally see how the process works. Matthew and I studied it...

...and moved it to a new location. Normally I have no problem killing sprouts because we have so many trees, but I had a fondness for this one!
Delightful photos! I love all those nature shots! Spring is a wonderful season!
LOVE the wheat field pic!!
What a wonderful age he is to be living in the country. Also with Mamaw and Poppa. You have such great adventures. If memory is a function of attention at the time, he should have lots of them. Nice shots!
Dang! Guess I forgot to type in Auntie. Tis me, anyway.
I just admired the photos and hoped Matthew was old enough to remember this summer.
Well, if he's anything like me, he will. I can remember a few things from when I was 18 months old and each year I remembered more. Considering he can still tell you all about his last birthday, I think it's a safe bet.
They say that memory is a function of intelligence (he's good on that one), and focus. Anybody who insists on watching a snail for such a long time has good focus skills. You are the 3rd generation of women on your mom's side who has lots of early memories. Sounds as if Matthew got some of those genetics.
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