It's been noticed by some that I haven't been posting as much as usual. I apologize, I have every intention to, but I do so much here that by time I can start blogging, around 9 pm, I'm so tired I don't. But have no fear, we'll try to squeeze it into the daytime routine!

Above and below fun with the 2 snails we talked about in the week 3 kinderGARDEN post.

They sure tickle as they slime along. One tried to go up Matthew's shirt sleeve! Today we had to go look for more. We found 3 more where we left the other 2. Matthew was delighted. He really wants to keep them for pets. I had to take the 3 out today as he pouted.

With the recent rains, came lovely deep puddles to blast through.

My favorite peony bloomed! It smells heavenly.

Yesterday we decided to take the lawn mower tire back up to our house and try and get it put back on so that we could mow. As I was preparing to leave, Matthew came running around the house with a baby bunny. He was so proud because he had gotten it away from Scamp. We took it 1/4 of a mile south of our house to a field we own and left it there. That field is not in Scamp's daily routine, so we hope it does well. We checked on it when we got home and it was gone. Matthew was most unhappy as he wanted to keep it, but no one I know has ever been able to keep a wild bunny alive at home. Finally he decided that it's mommy bunny found it and took it back to our house. All was well.

I suppose it was a matter of time till the Tonka's were introduced to the deep mud pit.

Baby birds we've been watching.

I think the Tonka's need a bath!

Last night, 30 miles away as the crow flies, this storm that I took photos of, produced a monster storm that involved a tornado hitting a small town. I'm glad that we've missed the wild weather so far. The turkey vulture didn't mind the wild clouds rolling by.
A Matthew update moment: For about a month now Matthew has been telling the education cartoons what letters and numbers are on the screen. He can recognize the alphabet with almost 100% accuracy. He can recognize to 10 with the same accuracy. In calendar form, he can count to 31. He can count to 12 on a clock correctly and it starting to understand how to tell time slightly. He can count backwards from 5 and possibly 10. He is memorizing short simple books faster. His cause and effect and reasoning skills improve all the time. He is trying to use hypothesis correctly and make hypotheses. I think he's an amazing little guy.
It is so fun to watch him explore and grow! He takes after his amazing parents!
Love that storm shot and the mud puddle stomp shots. That is how the Tonkas looked when I got them. I figured they'd get dirty again, but that this time it would be his family dirt, and ok. Thank you for all these wonderful photos and stories!!!!!!!!!!!
The biggest truck is still sloshing! Water is trapped somewhere.
Oh, the snails are just fantastic! My boys would love them too. The snails we have around here are tiny tiny.
Our trucks all look like that too, we've had so much water... but the kids can't get enough of it.
Isn't it fun to see how they pick up letters/numbers!? So exciting and just a tiny bit sad as they grow up.
If your son wants to compare his kitty to ours, there is a better pic of his face here: http://www.oldnicholsfarm.com/2011/05/spring-at-last.html
For what its worth, one of my brothers captured a wild rabbit in his garden (although I don't think it was a baby) and he and his family kept it as a "pet" (he views it as the rabbit doing "penance";)...it has never tamed down in the several years they have had it...it always scurries to the back of the cage when anyone approaches.
Garry, that's very interesting. We've never known anyone that could get a wild rabbit to live, maybe it's because they were all found too young.
Jess, thanks! We've had such fun with them. Luckily, they don't seem to eat our plants like I guess they do in the NW. Kids really are amazing and fun!
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